TORRANCE, Calif. - About a month ago, the family of Pfc. Joseph Anzack Jr. endured the most frightening of rumors: The soldier was dead in Iraq.
After messages were posted on MySpace.com, South High School, where he had been a football star, put a message on a sign outside that said: "In Loving Memory Joseph Anzack Class of 2005." It wasn't until the Red Cross helped his father speak with him by phone that the family could put the rumor to rest.
On Wednesday, the family relived the trauma - only this time, it was real. Anzack was identified as the soldier whose body was found in the Euphrates River in Iraq after being abducted with two comrades a week and a half ago, a relative said.
"They told us, 'We're sorry to inform you the body we found has been identified as Joe,'" said the soldier's aunt, Debbie Anzack. "I'm in disbelief."
Military officials told Anzack's family that a commanding officer identified the body, but that DNA tests were still pending, she said.
Anzack, 20, of Torrance, was one of three soldiers who vanished after their combat team was ambushed May 12 about 20 miles outside of Baghdad. Five others, including an Iraqi, were killed in the ambush.
The three U.S. soldiers were members of 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment of the 10th Mountain Division's 2nd Brigade combat team. The 10th Mountain Division, based in Fort Drum, N.Y., has spearheaded a search that has included 4,000 U.S. troops and 2,000 Iraqis. Two soldiers, not yet identified, have died in the search.
If the soldiers were taken alive, it would be the single biggest abduction of U.S. soldiers in Iraq since Pvt. Jessica Lynch and six others were captured on March 23, 2003.
In the soldiers' hometowns, the discovery of the body cast a pall after days of optimism that all the soldiers might be found alive. Still missing are Pvt. Byron Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Mich. and Spc. Alex Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Mass.
In Lawrence, Mass., a yellow ribbon was tied to the front door of the home of Jimenez's father, Ramon "Andy" Jimenez. Ramon Jimenez, who speaks Spanish, said through a translator that he has been bouyed by the support of friends and family.
"The hope is very high that God is going to give Alex back to him," said Wendy Luzon, a family friend who translated the conversation and has served as the family's spokeswoman.
He last spoke with his son three weeks ago, she said, but the conversation was brief because of a bad connection.
Neighbors and friends in the former mill city north of Boston waited anxiously. Francisco Urena, the city's veteran services director and a former Marine who served a tour as a tank commander in Iraq, said he could hardly contain himself as he awaited news.
"I just wish I could grab my pack and start searching for him myself," he said.
In Commerce Township, Mich., about 25 miles northwest of Detroit, a dozen trees that line the road leading to Fouty's high school were adorned with yellow ribbons.
Fouty's step-grandmother, Mary Dibler of Oxford, Mich., said the family was heartened by the support but saddened by the news about Anzack.
"We're just continuing the same as we have been, one day at a time," Dibler said. "We continue to pray; that's all we can do."
At Fort Drum, soldiers were carrying out their training and other operations with a "business as usual" attitude as news of the body's recovery quickly made it around the post, said Sgt. Kevin Stewart, 25, a six-year veteran from San Antonio.
"We're focused on training, but I think everyone is concerned and hoping for a positive outcome," Stewart said, while standing in a shopping center parking lot off post. "As soldiers, we can all relate, and we can all imagine what it's like for the families."
Lori Kenner said that while soldiers might be concentrating on training, many spouses have probably followed the search much more closely. Kenner's husband is set to come home within the month following a 15-month deployment in Afghanistan.
"I know the waiting and not knowing must be horrible," said Kenner, 28, of Seattle, Wash. "But at least as long as they are still missing there is a possibility that they are still alive."
Associated Press writers Glenn Johnson in Lawrence, Mass., David Aguilar in Commerce Township, Mich. and William Kates at Fort Drum, N.Y., contributed to this report.