четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

AAP Image outlook for February 12, 2002

AAP Image outlook for February 12, 2002AAP IMAGE OUTLOOK FOR FEBRUARY 12, 2002

SYDNEYChocolate judging at dairy showCompanion dogs for children at a Manly hospitalDrag queen chairs forum on homophobia and bullying in schools

BRISBANENew study finds sun protection at schools, parks, sporting grounds inadequateBrisbane Lions AFL announcement

MELBOURNECoronial finding on MRI/pacemaker deathDaryl Somers Geelong AFC No1 ticket holderVictorian cabinet sworn in

CANBERRATwo protesters at church service to mark the resumption of parliamentRefugee protest outside parliament houseThe 40th parliament officially opensGovernor-General Hollingworth speech for parly openingSpeaker/deputy speaker sworn inAlex Downer and Ninian Stephen debate humanitarian issues at the press club

Phil DicksonMultiMedia EditorAAP Information Servicesdicksonp@aap.com.au(02) 9322 87050414 671 853


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