Frank Thomas worked with Walt Hriniak before Tuesday's game andafterward downplayed the extra hitting session.
I just did some extra work," Thomas said. Like I told peoplebefore, it's no secret. We've worked together for years. There's nomiracle answers there. He knows my swing and helps me tremendously. Ijust want to do the right thing and work like I'm capable of workingand try to be the positive force I can be for this team."
The session paid immediate dividends. Thomas hit a home run in theeighth inning to break a tie. The Royals rallied to win 8-5.
It seems one of the realizations Thomas had this offseason is thatat 34 (he will be 35 on May 27), he doesn't have many more years tobe productive.
I'm not going to sit here and waste my talent and not get out ofmy talent what I'm capable of getting out of it," he said. That'simportant to me. I'm in a stage in my career where I have to worryabout what I can do to help this team win. For me, working with thisguy really helps my swing."
Manager Jerry Manuel suspects that after a few days with Hriniak,Thomas will be set to go for the long haul.
I don't think he'll always need that," Manuel said. Once he getsgrounded, I think he'll take off and do very well.
It's just a matter of them getting their keys. [Hitting coach]Gary Ward is right along with it, so we have no problem with it."
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