SA: Former state Labor MP joins Greens
ADELAIDE, Feb 1 AAP - A South Australian state MP who quit the Labor party becauseof its asylum seeker policy joined the Greens today.
SA MP Kris Hanna was overwhelmingly welcomed to the Australian Greens today, at a stateconference to vote on his membership application.
Mr Hanna will now serve as the state's only Green MP and has also been elected theparty's official state spokesman.
He resigned from the ALP on Thursday, saying its asylum seeker policy proved the partyhad lost its soul.
ALP federal leader Simon Crean has called on Mr Hanna to resign from his seat in stateparliament and contest it again without Labor's backing.
But Australian Greens federal leader Bob Brown today dismissed Mr Crean's call andALP claims that Mr Hanna had betrayed the Labor party.
"I think what the Labor Party has to answer is this question - has it not betrayeditself, because it's strayed so far from the 'fair go' policies that are fundamental toits own philosophy," Mr Brown told reporters.
"It's that straying that Kris is not being part of.
"It's turned out to be a wonderful day for politics and for Green politics."
Mr Hanna, who addressed the Greens membership for 30 minutes before a vote was held,said he expected other ALP members would also consider leaving.
"I think there will be a trend based on the frustration that backbenchers feel aroundthe country," he said.
"People didn't get in there to see Labor run off the rails and just get into managingeverything for the sake of having power, people got in there to make a difference.
"Other people, like me, will probably end up finding that you can actually change moreoutside rather than inside."
In SA, the ALP still gains support from independents to hold the balance of power andMr Hanna has said he would continue to vote with the government on major issues.
AAP la/cjh/ts
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