The following Corporate Profile is available for inclusion in your files. News releases for this client are distributed by Business Wire and also become part of the leading databases and online services, including all of the leading Internet-based services. -0-
Published Date: Oct. 1, 1999 Company Name: The Titanium Group LLC Address: P.O. Box 5765 River Forest, IL 60305 Main Telephone Number: 888/348-4826 (888/348titan) Internet Home Page Address (URL) www.titaniumgroup.com Chief Executive Officer: Roberto Mandanas Chief Financial Officer: Robert Brock Investor Relations Contact: Arsheen Khan Business number: 888/348-4826 E-mail address: mandanas@titaniumgroup.com Public Relations Contact: Arsheen Khan Business number: 888/348-4826 E-mail address: arsheen@titaniumgroup.com Industry: high tech Trading Symbol/ Exchange: Market Makers:
Company description: The Titanium Group LLC provides world class consulting services for companies that need help in implementing and maintaining efficient database systems. These services include consultation on database management systems such as DB2 for OS/390, DB2 UDB, Oracle, and MicroSoft SQL-Server; ERP applications, Peoplesoft and SAP; and their role and functionality within IT organizations. In addition, we provide research and analysis to assist customers in making critical decisions about their database management environments.
Our Offerings:
+ Database Consulting Services + DBA Insurance Program + Software Training & Education + IT Outsourcing
Database Consulting Services
On-site consultation and mentoring by our senior level consultants, who will perform a complete audit of your entire database environment. Services include consultation on:
+ Performance Management and Analysis + Backup and Recovery Procedures + Application Development + Migration Techniques +
Database Version Upgrades
DBA Insurance Package
Achieve peace of mind knowing that you have a team of seasoned, dedicated consultants to assist your organization whenever you need it. Put us on retainer so that you can be guaranteed assistance when that unexpected project arises, during that hectic "crunch" time, or to simply be there to keep your databases running smoothly when your lead DBA goes on vacation.
Software Training & Education
Our consultants are unparalleled in their knowledge of database management tools. We can provide your site with assistance in product implementation and product training so you can get the most out of your software investment.
IT Outsourcing
DBA Partner Program -- On site DBA packages to meet the every day demands of managing your databases. Since every organization is different, we provide customized services designed specifically for you:
+ PLATINUM Service -- a complete offering for all your DBA needs. Designed for organizations that have no DBA staff or are currently building a DBA staff.
+ GOLD Service -- an enhancement of current DBA staff. Designed for organizations that would benefit from senior level DBA support to provide best practices and assist in managing day-to-day responsibilities.
Our Unique Advantage
Our key advantage is the people that make up The Titanium Group. Our technical specialists have an average of more than 10 years of experience in the database industry either as DBAs, Application Developers, Systems Programmers, or Product Specialists. Many of these individuals were instrumental to the tremendous success of PLATINUM technology's Database Management division. In addition, our consultants have worked in a variety of sectors including manufacturing, utilities, and finance. With this wide-range of expertise, The Titanium Group is uniquely positioned to meet the demands of IT.
Commitment to Our Customers
Our greatest strength lies in our real-world database experience and our dedication to the success of our customers. We understand the needs of our customers and the issues that are shaping the database marketplace. We're committed to helping you achieve the Performance, Availability, and Reliability you need from your Database Management Systems and Applications. Our goal is to consistently exceed the expectations of our clients. At The Titanium Group, our customers come first. Rely on us for all your database management needs.
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