среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Tas: The introduction of foxes to Tasmania

AAP General News (Australia)
Tas: The introduction of foxes to Tasmania

Tasmania no longer fox-free?

June 1998: A fox is suspected of escaping from a ship arriving at Burnie in Tasmania's

May 2001: Possible fox sightings in the state's north-west and northern midlands ignite
a full-scale search.

September 2001: A man produces a fox carcass, which he claims to have shot at Symmons
Plains in Tasmania's midlands.

October 2003: A fox carcass is found on the Bass Highway at Burnie.

September 2005: A scat collected from the Conara area is confirmed to belong to a fox.

February 2006: A carcass believed to be a juvenile fox found at Lillico, near Devonport.

June 2006: A fox attacks and kills 20 chickens in a coop at Old Beach near Hobart.

August 2006: A fox carcass is found in the northern midlands near Conara.

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2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

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